Blackwater Short-Term Rehab Center

Therapy Services
The Blackwater Rehab Center at Cortland Acres has private examination rooms and equipment required to treat all major types of musculoskeletal injuries. The 5,100 sq ft. center includes a therapeutic pool, a spacious gym large enough to provide room for functional assessments of persons with sports injuries, and more.
Post-Hospital and Post-Surgical Care
Cortland Acres can provide specialty care for patients discharged from the hospital after undergoing a major surgical procedure who are not ready to look after themselves at home. Our staff will manage the medical and logistical needs required to ensure a smooth transition from hospital to home while promoting function, safety, and independence in as short of a stay as possible.
Physical Therapy
If you are experiencing neuromuscular or skeletal dysfunction, a therapist will evaluate your condition and devise your treatment program. Depending on your needs, the program may include:
Exercise for improved muscle function, coordination, endurance and mobility
Training in gait stability postures and positioning
Training in bed mobility
Joint and soft tissue mobilization to increase range of motion
Wound care
Training with adaptive equipment such as walkers
Speech Therapy
Problems with communication and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing) are treated by speech-language pathologists. Their work aids in the recovery of speech, language, memory and dysphagia functions. At the Rehab & Fitness Center, a pathologist devises a plan for each person’s needs, such as:
Verbal and non-verbal communication, including the use of augmentative systems (such as computers) when necessary
Oral muscle strength and functioning for speaking and swallowing
Evaluation and treatment of dysphagia, including diet recommendations
Compensation for word-finding problems
Critical thinking for activities of daily living and communication
Sports Medicine
The Rehab & Fitness Center at Cortland provides a variety of specialized sports medicine programs. Whether you need evaluation, rehabilitation or a conditioning program for a particular sport, our care plans are designed with the specific needs and physical condition of each patient in mind.
Our facility is equipped to care for a variety of athletic injuries, and experienced therapists provide personal, supportive care to help you return to your previous level of activity safely and quickly.
Sports medicine services at Cortland’s Rehab & Fitness center include:
Knee and shoulder evaluation and treatment
Training & Conditioning
Adolescent Injury Assessment (age 14-18)
Manual therapy
Mobility skills
Movement control
Post-partum musculoskeletal assessment
Weight regulation fitness
On-site physical therapy for injuries
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists typically begin their work by meeting with the resident and possibly the resident’s family to discuss and outline the goals of the resident’s treatment. These goals address the resident’s current physical barriers and the level of functionality they hope to achieve through occupational therapy. Some residents may hope to once again play tennis or go on a jog, while others turn to therapy to help them accomplish day-to-day activities like walking down the hall, bathing, and preparing a meal.
Once a resident’s goals have been established, the therapist will develop a customized treatment plan. While no two treatment plans are identical, many of their elements are the same. For occupational therapists working with short-term residents in a SNF, occupational therapy may involve:
Conducting exercises that address the instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs) that a resident must be able to perform to be able to live independently.
Teaching residents how to perform old tasks in new ways, like how to prepare a meal while using an ambulatory device.
Preparing the resident and their family for community reintegration through emergency response planning, strategies for public outings, and more.
Recommending safety equipment and home modifications to promote safe functioning and reduce barriers following the resident’s discharge from the facility.
Assessing whether a resident can continue working and in what capacity.
Evaluating the resident’s current hobbies and assessing whether modifications are needed for continued participation.
For long-term residents of skilled nursing facilities, occupational therapy focuses on teaching residents the skills they need to ensure greater independence within a facility, rather than helping them attain the skills needed to function outside of one. Occupational therapists in these roles will often:
Conduct training in functional mobility, including how to perform self-care tasks and safely move from the bed to the shower and beyond.
Educate residents on the use of ambulatory devices as well as wheelchair mobility and safety.
Enhance a resident’s ability to perform ADLs to the greatest extent possible.
Develop compensatory techniques for residents with specific challenges, including cognitive and visual impairment.
Modify a resident’s personal living space within the facility to increase their safety.
Create opportunities for residents to engage in meaningful activities despite their physical limitations.